We wanted to build a system for organising Ethereum Name Service (ENS) domains in a manner that is completely flexible to the customers use case.

LabelHash was originally built to manage a large portfolio of domains and to provide research tooling for finding new domains to add to the portfolio.

LabelHash allows you to tag a domain name (or group of domain names) with one (or more) tags. A tag is any alphanumeric string and is defined by the user.

For example a user might tag:

  • domain names that they own as 'mine'
  • domain names that they want as 'wants'
  • domain names in arbitrary interest categories with their respective tags - 'animals', 'gods', 'words' etc

Using the examples above, if you owned zeus.eth you would tag it with both 'mine' and 'gods'.

Search through the ENS domains in your account based on tags.

The beauty of this system is that it allows ultimate flexibility. If you have come into some money and want to add an animal domain name to your collection then you can filter the domain names shown in the LabelHash interface to those that you have previously tagged with both 'animals' and 'wants'.

You can also set up notifications based on tags. Want to be notified when any domains with the tags 'animals' and 'wants' become available for less than 3 ETH? No problem !

Set up a notification based on tags.